VMWare Courses

There are four VMware certification levels: VCA, VCP, VCAP and VCDX. The lowest level of VMware certification, VMware Certified Associate, indicates that the recipient has a basic understanding of virtualization technology and is able to apply it to VMware products. The next step up, VMware Certified Professional, demonstrates more advanced skills, such as installing and configuring vCenter Server or VMware ESXi.

The top tier certifications, VMware Certified Advanced Professional and VMware Certified Design Expert, indicate an advanced knowledge of virtualization technology and VMware products and put the recipient in elite company. In order to obtain VCAP certification, you must first obtain VCP certification. In order to obtain VCDX certification, you must first obtain VCAP certification.

In addition to these four levels of certification, VMware offers four specialized certification tracks: data center virtualization, network virtualization, cloud management and automation, and desktop and mobility. Read these tips to learn more about the requirements for these certification levels and tracks.

Take these virtualization certification exams to get ahead Certifications are an asset to any IT professional, and the more advanced the certification, the better. Learn more about the requirements, costs and more for these five popular vendor certifications — including the VCP6-DCV certification from VMware — to figure out which certification path is right for you.

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Pass Protect, offered by TSG Training, is a valuable option for those concerned about the possibility of not passing their exam on the first attempt. It acts like an insurance policy, allowing you to resit your exam at a significantly reduced rate. Pass Protect covers one resit per exam purchased, so you don’t have to worry about the cost of an additional attempt if you don’t pass initially.

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