
If your Business Analysts and test leads have done their bit by getting you firm requirements and acceptance criteria that define the needs of the business and success, then programming solutions and unit testing should be a breeze for you – and fun!

However, as new methods of delivery become ever more popular and myriad developments in programming take place to support them, we are faced with the choice of selecting the right programming language for your technology – and which you choose will be key to success and your own career development.

To help give you the skills you need, we’ve developed new computer programming training courses in the following areas:

  • CSS
  • Database Administration
  • HTML
  • JAVA
  • MariaDB
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • Web Development

But as a developer, have you also considered taking some basic business analysis software testing courses? As well as Test Analysts and Business Analysts, programmers and development times and accuracy have all benefited from being able to talk the same language as use processes that will underpin unit testing. Try the ISTQB Foundation level course – you can take or leave the exam, but the course will be of direct benefit to you as a developer.


  • Non-Functional Testing Training Course

    Javascript 1 Course

    The JavaScript 1 course comprises sessions dealing with embedding a script in a web page, variables and expressions, conditions ...
    Price: £1,245.00 (+VAT)


Pass Protect, offered by TSG Training, is a valuable option for those concerned about the possibility of not passing their exam on the first attempt. It acts like an insurance policy, allowing you to resit your exam at a significantly reduced rate. Pass Protect covers one resit per exam purchased, so you don’t have to worry about the cost of an additional attempt if you don’t pass initially.

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How can we help?

Would you like to know more? Click here to arrange a call back with one of our business development managers. They will be able to discuss the course with you and answer any questions you have.