Installation & Setup
How to install Selenium WebDriver Java, JUnit, Eclipse, and other useful tools. How to organise your file structure.
Introduction to Java (Optional)
Basic introduction to the Java programming language and OOP.
Introducing WebDriver
How to write a simple automation script in WebDriver within a standard java Class
Object Identification
Element locator strategies, using simple techniques
Object Identification using CSS & XPath
More complex locator strategies using CSS & XPath notation.
Synchronisation & Debugging
Implicit and Explicit Waits explained, debugging your test scripts.
WebDriver with JUnit
Overview of the JUNIT key words.
Using the correct WebDriver methods.
Using the correct validation techniques.
Using Junit Test Suites
Helpers & Base Classes
Code re-use through Helper Methods and Base Classes.
Introducing Page Objects (POM)
Introduction to why we do it and how it makes life easier. Refactoring our tests to use a page object model. Developing a library of pages
Data-Driven testing
In-line and external data sources, data-driving your tests.
Screenshots, Using ANT Reports, Using 3rd party reporting tools.
Cross-Browser & Selenium Server
Executing tests remotely using Selenium Server/Grid, Cross-Browser Testing
Command-line execution, Integration with source control (GIT), integration with Jenkins and automating Test execution
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